Saturday, December 21, 2013

On Ducks and Disagreements

I have to say that all the uproar about Phil and A&E concerns me a bit. This has become what seems to be a line in the sand, and while I support Phil – there just seems to be so many other lines that deserve more attention. There are always consequences to our actions, and when you take a stand someone is going to disagree. In this instance, what bother me most is that the left is tolerant of every view point EXCEPT those that disagree with them.

If someone chooses to be practice same sex sex – and it is a choice, rather you're born that way or not – you.have.a.choice. If you choose this life style there are consequences. I don't think any less of someone who make this choice, but I do believe that this is outside of God's will. He still loves them but their choice causes a separation.

We are all sinner's in need of a savior and we are called to love one another – this doesn't mean everyone gets to do whatever they want or that I have to agree with them. It is God's part to judge the hearts of men. He has given us certain guidelines to help in discerning what is His will and what is not.

As a follower of Jesus, I believe the Bible provides those guidelines. It is the standard I use. If someone else chooses another standard – it's their choice and as long as their choice doesn't prevent me from following my choice – I'm basically okay with that.

But I'm not okay when I'm forced to accept something that contradicts my beliefs and here in America, we still have the right to express our beliefs . . . at least we use to.

As I see it, Phil has that right. A & E also has that right. If the gay community is offended, well so are a lot of folks who are called homophobic because they don't agree with that life style.

Just some thoughts.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The bread of adversity and the water of affliction (Isa 30:20-21)

ABBA, Forgive me for my grumbling heart and cause me to rejoice in You Who is my anchor in the storms, my refuge and my strength. Life is hard and I see so many whose lives are touched by pain and suffering. Yet those who know You are not overcome but have learned to walk through the fire, knowing You are with them, their provision and their strength; their constant Companion. The trials are only temporary and become opportunities to draw closer and closer to You. They teach us that we can rely upon, cling to and find rest in You.

It's a day by day journey, sometimes moment by moment and I don't always make the right choices. I try and do it on my own, in my own strength and in the way I want to go . . . until I can't go on. And there You are, always present, always loving and forgiving my wayward heart, my stubborn will. 

Oh ABBA, I so wish we could skip the hard parts and simply always abide in the center of Your will. I know this is and has always been Your plan and that gives me hope, knowing that You will complete what You have begun; that Your plans and purposes will be accomplished because You are God and have chosen me to be Your child. I will not fear the storms. You take the bread of adversity and the water of affliction and turn them into a feast of joy, peace and abundance. So, I will not fear the storms for I have put my trust in You.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Father, sitting here watching a little male cardinal at the feeder and wondering how do his feathers know to not grow on his beak, or to suddenly change from the black that frames his beak to the brilliant red that covers his body? 

Because that was your design for him, just as You have a design for me. Yet unlike the cardinal, I have a choice in how that design will manifest itself. Father, through the presence of Your Holy Spirit in me, cause me to cooperate with You, so that Your design for me will be realized completely as You intended.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

My Land/my LORD

My Land (my Lord)

Trust in the LORD, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. (Psa 37:3)

Reading this morning, I came across this verse and it spoke to me of dwelling in Jesus, and His dwelling in me. There's a Celtic Thunder song (see above) – My Land, and when I hear it - in my heart and mind I insert my “Lord” in place of my “land” and so this verse makes that connection for me – of dwelling in Him and of a future filled His presence and His mantle wrapped around me. The chorus of the song is:

Oh, you are the song ever singing in me,
And you are the heart ever true:
For, you are my land (Lord) and you always will be,
The voice ever calling me… home to you.

He is that voice ever calling and the voice I love to hear.

Friday, October 25, 2013


Just an ordinary day

My favorite scene from the Passion was the scene with Jesus and His mother. Actually I must confess I had my eyes closed during most of the movie – it was just too graphic for me – but this scene impacted me on so many levels. I've come to know such a joy in my life because of my relationship with Jesus and I believe there was a joy in Him when He lived among us. This scene captures this for me. So often He is pictured as this somber and serious man and I'm confident there were times when this was true. But I can't help but believe that during the daily routines of life, He was filled with a joy that would have been quite evident. I picture Him sitting around a campfire with His disciples, discussing the day, teaching them, loving them and being loved by them, sharing in a sweet fellowship reminiscent of the garden, so long ago. Knowing them and being known by them. He knew everything about them – even better than they knew themselves . . . and He loved them and in that love there was joy. It overwhelms me to think that that same joy comes in my relationship with Him now. Not only that I find such joy in Him . . . but that He might also find joy in me and in everyone who calls upon His name.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's simple, really . . .

Abba, create in me a pure heart and a steadfast spirit so that I may please You, honor You - for I seek to know You in each and every moment of the day. Which path to follow – and yet I believe when we are truly seeking You that You make Yourself available to be found – no matter which path we take. The desire to “see Your face” comes from You and if You have created that desire within me, then I know it will be fulfilled. I have only to trust You, to rest in You and witness Your transforming power – do what needs to be done in me. It's simple really, even a child can do it – and it is child-like faith that opens our eyes to see and our hearts to receive. Oh the joy, the sweet contentment of just being in Your presence.

Monday, July 8, 2013

And all the sons of God shouted for joy . . .

Joy - that is the most amazing word and I see more and more it is His desire for me, to live in abundant joy. It comes from giving thanks for all that surrounds me and knowing these “moments of grace” are His gifts of love for me and all I need to do is open my eyes and my heart to see and receive them. Oh the uncontainable joy when my joy in Him meets with His joy in me – a glimpse of glory and the eternal.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

. . . for I have learned

Reading today Ann Voskamp, Eucharisteo, thankfulness, gratitude – finding joy in life, even when there is death, divorce and debt. Gifts from my Abba come in many different packages, and the gifts themselves can sometimes cause me to stop and wonder . . . why . . when it was something else I wanted.

But He knows what I need, what will bring wholeness and well-being to my life.
A long ago memory, a birthday, I was young, 8 or 9.   Someone gave me a shirt. I remember my disappointment, my “un”gratefulness for the gift. I wanted a toy, a game or something else that would bring me pleasure.  I remember my mom explaining that I should be grateful that someone cared enough to give me something I needed. . . and not something I would soon grow tired of. At the time, I don't think I fully appreciated the wisdom of what she was saying.

The gifts our Father gives we often see as that “shirt” - not what we want but always what we need, though we may not understand at the time.

I want to learn that attitude of gratitude . . . easy to say, harder to live by . . . but then He isn't finished with me yet.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Don't be anxious.

Abba, what happens when “another's” free will runs into Your sovereignty? I know Your will will be accomplished, no matter who or what happens, because You're God . . . but there are consequences to our choices. Your ways are so much higher than our ways – of understanding. You are eternal and hold the future in Your hands. We are limited by time, by our flesh and our minds cannot grasp just how very BIG YOU are. I do know that I can always and in everything trust You – in the things I don't understand because of things I do know about You. . . and that is enough, more than enough for me.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Whose in charge?

I'm struggling lately with events beyond my control. Reading last night in “Women Under Stress” I came across the statement - “no goal is good when it is beyond our control. It will only cause stress and make us feel guilty if we “fail”. We need to live our lives for God and leave the results to Him.

And then this morning I came across the following in a fb post: What is your biggest pet peeve? An irritating experience caused by others in which you have no control. There it is . . . control or lack of – and how it can impact my life and my sense of well being.

And then there's the familiar Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity  to accept the things I cannot change;  courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

 The remainder of that prayer, which I'd never heard, is: Living one day at a time;  Enjoying one moment at a time;  Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;  Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;  Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life  and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.

And finally Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3, 5-6

I say “and finally” because this is ultimately where I end up, and in truth, it's where I want to be. Simply and completely trusting in, surrendered to and clinging to the ONE who is in control. Knowing that He is faithful and true and that His desires for me are always for my good and for His glory. I choose to rely upon Him as the source of my well being; and that even in the storms of life, He is my anchor and provides a peace beyond my understanding or my control.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thoughts of Redemption

Then it hit me: redemption. That is what He desires. He desires redemption over innocence. Our sin was here all along only now we were forced to deal with it. The chains, the pit falls, the stumbling had been brought into the light so that redemption could take place.
Abba, this was from a blog and it so resonated within me – that You are all about redemption. You know and understand our weaknesses, our tendency toward sin and have made a way out of that bondage into freedom.

This won’t be the end. It won’t be the last time we deal with this. In times of desperation, loneliness, hunger and exhaustion we will find temporary comfort in our chains. That short satisfaction that will only take us further away from the Truth that we know. Its in those moments, when we don’t realize it, that God is preparing us. Preparing us for redemption, revival and to be taken out of the way. To purge what was there and brought to the reality of our selfishness. . . For we must remember that we do not fall into sin,we are led into it by the choices we make. Yet in that moment, we can learn to stop pushing and rest. Rest in the knowledge that He is fighting for us and the victory is already won.

Abba, as I read these words, I find hope but I also find an excuse – because I know that I will sin again. I want to blame my own weakness, to hide behind it. There is this connection between my weakness and Your strength. I read this morning that “human weakness consecrated to You is like a magnet, drawing Your power into my neediness”. Fear can block this, does block this from happening. The root then is not my weakness but my fears.
Abba, help me to see my fears through Your eyes, to identify just what it is I'm afraid of and then help me to let it go – to surrender it and look to You. Perfect love casts out fear. Your love for us and our love for You. Your love is perfect. Mine, however, is a work in progress, but a work that You have begun and will therefore complete.
I also know that I can rejoice in my weaknesses because they cause me to rely upon, to cling to and rest in Your redeeming love.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Creation calls

Follow Me

Father, yesterday was a hard day and some of the remanents were still with me this morning. As I sat here trying to be still, trying to pray, offering this time to You while feeling an ache inside . . . my computer rebooted after an update and all of a sudden This is Amazing Grace starting playing. It just lifted my spirit and the heaviness was diminished as the words and melody awaken Your Spirit within me. You do bring my chaos back into order and have made me Your daughter.

And then, in reading this morning, knowing that You have me on the right path – one that we walk together, that You go before me and walk beside me, that I am never alone. This is our journey and though I am in the midst of community, we often walk this journey alone, together. It is our journey and I can not and should not compare it to any other. As for another's journey, what is that to me. I am to follow You.  

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross (Heb 12:2)

A joy so great He willingly and intentionally endured the cross. The joy of reconcilliation, of restoration, of adoption, of drawing us to Him into an eternal and unbreakable relationship where we may abide in His presence and enter into the joy of unbroken, continual fellowship with the Creator and Lover of our souls. A love so amazing . . . Jesus, Messiah, Name above all Name, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel 

Monday, February 11, 2013

I choose You!

Abba, sitting here this morning, thoughts drifting in and out, waking early, wanting to be still, wanting to hear Your voice and just sit quietly in Your presence. Realizing how I tend to over think things and hang on when I need to let go. The need to have times of playfulness and joy. To really trust that You have all things – all my concerns, fears and worries – safely in Your hands. To rest in Your peace that passes understanding. I choose these things today, now, at this moment – to live and rejoice in Your presence, which is always with me, in me, surrounding me. Whom shall I fear or what can come against me that isn't first filtered through Your loving hands. You do the impossible and provide a way where there is none – your part the seas and calm the storms - and calm the storms in me. I am Yours, I belong to You . . . and oh, how I adore You.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

. . . the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ

Father, thinking about this, that the glory which shown in Jesus was not something physical but the reality of Your presence, Your essence - Your love, which is Who You are. Thinking of the line in the song – to love someone is to see the face of God . . . that there is a difference between being in love with someone and loving someone – between believing in You and believing You. Perhaps its that one is a feeling and the other is a choice. Your love is so far beyond us. Jesus was/is the manifestation of Your love. And our love for You is manifested in believing Him. Oh, to be like Him, to have a heart like His. Please dear Lord, make it so in me.

Monday, January 14, 2013

“Do not be ashamed of your emptiness” . . .

. . . “There is no place for pretense in your relationship with Me” and 'My relationship with you is saturated with grace' (from Jesus Calling)

Father, I think I needed to hear this this morning – because I do feel an emptiness , a longing to connect. I have a tendency to view this type of “feeling” as an indication that something is wrong in me. But I see that it may just come from Your Spirit stirring in me, drawing me closer and deeper and more and more dependent on You. I want to make a difference for You. I know I'll never be great in Your kingdom, but I just want to know that I've done my part, that my life will be fruitful - for You. I am so grateful that You have saturated my life with Your grace – a love so amazing.
Rom 8:38-39

Friday, January 11, 2013

Morning musings

Father, reading this morning – to recognize that You are God, and You alone. All authority is Yours, You are the head over all and You have given us a choice; either to walk with You or away from You. Your promises to those who walk with You are life eternal, a life filled with love, peace and joy. These gifts are our security, that we can count on – when we trust You. You have saved us – saved me from the “corruption that is in the world through lust”.

Father, I pray that I will never grow tried of hearing of all that You have done and continue to do, that each day will be filled with awe and wonder, that You should care for me with such love, with such abandon. Thank You, Father, for the gift of prayer, that I may come into Your presence knowing that Your desire is to be in relationship with me; that I can bare my heart to You and that You hear me when I pray, really hear me – not just the words but the deepest parts of me are all known to You. And knowing that Your plans and purposes for my life are being accomplished through Your Spirit in me. Love so amazing!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A broken heart and a contrite spirit

Thank You Father, that Your love for me is greater than my sin against You. Reading in Jesus Calling about victories and failures, that victories in our own strength can cause us to go our own way, where often the failures – when confessed – can lead us to a deeper dependence on You; that Your strength is made perfect in my weaknesses. (You certainly have a lot to work with in me).  Your grace is sufficient, its more that enough for me.