Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A new name

Father, when I was looking at facebook and saw a picture of a few women friends enjoying a day out together I found an unwanted feeling within my heart, a wanting to be included.  I remembered a time in high school and wanting to be in a certain “service” club and not being invited. . . the feeling of being on the outside – not being enough.  These feelings come from how I interpreted a situation and by allowing something or someone other than You to define who I am or was.  
Then this song came to mind. A song we use to sing and that I haven't thought about in years:

I will change your name
You shall no longer be called
Wounded, outcast
Lonely or afraid

I will change your name
Your new name shall be
Confidence, joyfulness
Overcoming one
Faithfulness, friend of God
One who seeks my face.

Thank You that You have given me a new name, a new identity.  And that in You I am and have more than enough for all of eternity.  

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Shoulder taps

I watched a short video this morning.  This man recalls having lunch with his wife and noticed an older woman sitting alone at a table.  She was joined by what appeared to be her daughter and some grand kids.  The gentlemen felt he should tell the woman how nice she looked, so when their meal was finished, and they were leaving the restaurant he stopped at her table and leaned down and said, “I don’t know if anyone has told you today, but you look lovely.”  It got very quiet and then the woman said, “I know you”.  To which the gentlemen replied, “No, we’ve never met”.  Then she said “Yes, I know your spirit. My husband died a year ago, and that is something he would have said”.  At that point, with tears in their eyes they embraced and went about their day. 

They point the gentleman wanted to make was, when God taps you on the shoulder, listen.  Both had been blessed by his willingness to listen and respond to God’s tap on his shoulder.

This reminded me of a time I was having lunch with a friend.  It was a restaurant we eat at frequently.  There was an employee who would walk around with a basket of bread sticks and give them out to the customers. I just remember one day she stopped at our table, looked at me and said, “You’re a Christian, aren’t you?”.  I replied that yes, I was.  Then she said, “I could tell by the countenance of your face.  I recognized His Spirit.” And then she moved on to the next table and continued to distribute bread sticks.  I believe I was on the receiving end of a “shoulder tap”.  I felt that God had taken a moment to tell me He saw me, that He knew me.  I’ve never forgotten that brief encounter and the impact it had on my life.

So, when God taps you on the shoulder – listen and obey and be both a blessing and blessed.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge.

These verses reminded me of the story of the woman with the issue of blood and the significance of “the hem of His garment” and the reference in Malachi 4:2 - The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings.

The first time I heard the connection it just brought home to me how the Bible (Old and New testaments) are a love story. Both give meaning and understanding to the other.  As a friend once told me, understanding the old testaments’ relationship to the new is like walking into a room and turning the lights on.  The room hasn’t changed but the shadows now take form and substance.

The following is a brief explanation of the connection:

Have you ever wondered what prompted the woman with the issue of blood to touch the “hem” of  Jesus’ garment? The word translated  garment in the story is translated elsewhere as “wing”. The Jewish prayer shawl, or tallit, has a very important, knotted, blue cord that hangs from the corner. This area is called the “wing”. When the Hebrew  prayed they held the “wings” of their prayer shawl out to form a “tent”. This was their prayer closet.  Old Testament scripture foretells that when Messiah comes, there will be “healing in His wings”. The woman familiar with this scripture knew to touch the “wing” of His prayer shawl to be healed. And Jesus said to her, “Your faith has healed you.” Mk. 5:34.

For  a more in-depth  study see here:  

Friday, July 6, 2018

Generous living

I read this morning about an employer who continued to pay his employees, even after his factory burned to the ground.  An example of living generously.  The thought occurred to me that perhaps we to easily try to live beyond our necessities.

In Psalm 78 – I was reminded how Israel “grew unfaithful in their hearts”; all their needs were provided for, but “they grew tired of God’s provision”.  They wanted more.

Our troubles in life often come because of our selfish desires for more and because of what we allow into our hearts.

I was reminded of a quote by John Piper.  “The works of the flesh and the fruit of love are not two different optional ways to live in freedom. When you live according to the flesh, you are in slavery. But when you serve each other in love, you are in freedom. Why? Because love is motivated by the joy of sharing our fullness, but the works of the flesh are motivated by the desire to fill our emptiness.”

What motives my obedience?

My prayer: To live generously – make my obedience more and more a grateful, willing gift . . . not out of fear or for appearance sake – but for the joy of knowing and being known by You.