Thursday, December 28, 2017

Language and communication

From my reading this morning, Peterson speaks of three kinds of language.  Language 1 is primary, what we learn first.  It’s the communication between a parent and an infant child, the language of intimacy, of relationship and trust. Language 2 is informational and language 3 is motivational.   We most often use 2 and 3.  But 1 is the language of prayer.

Sitting here this morning with Sunshine and her tennis ball game.  Because we spend this time together I have learned that when she barks a certain way it’s because she wants me to retrieve her ball.  It’s either rolled behind something, gotten too close to Bob or she just want me to roll it back to her. However if I’m watching her I can usually tell what she wants before she barks – that my attention is required.

Spending time with is the key in communication; that and an expectancy that something will come from the time spent.  This is what prayer can be.  Perhaps that sounds a bit selfish – what can I get but it’s really more of how can I know God better, how can I learn His language, His will and purposes.  While we mostly need words to communicate, He does not.  He is able to do so on a much deeper level.

In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.  (Rom 8:26-17)

Thursday, December 21, 2017

A morning muse

To “hear Him speak” it is necessary to spend time with Him, time in His word, time to be still, time to listen rather than talk.  It’s not easy to quiet before Him because we usually have so much we want to say - but it can be done.  It begins with a desire to just “be with Him”.  It’s not something we can manipulate.  It comes from a surrendered heart, a heart in need of and ready to tremble at His word.

Know too that it is His desire to meet with us as well.  In fact, it is His desire that draws us to Him.  He is the initiator and the lover of our souls.  We were created in His image, so that we could have an intimate and personal relationship with Him but on His terms and not our own.

Be still and know - - - He’s waiting.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The story of Simeon in the temple has always had special meaning for me.

Early in my life as a Christian I use to babysit for my pastor’s family.   When I first started they had two girls but as time went on they had a baby boy.  I can remember the first time I got to sit with him.  They had some church function to attend and so I got to stay with the baby.  I remember sitting at their kitchen table, holding this little being in my arms –so small and so very vulnerable.  I was suddenly overwhelmed with the thought of what it was like to hold the baby Jesus and what an amazing thing God did in taking on human flesh – not only human flesh, but that of an infant, totally dependent upon others for his very existence.  I was both humbled and in awe of such a sacrifice of love

In writing these words they seem so inadequate to describe something that so profoundly changed something in my heart – that if He could love me to enough to take on such frailty and dependence, that I could certainly trust Him with my life.

And so I can identify with dear old Simeon and the joy he must have known to see and hold his Savior.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

We are not to make friends with the world or compromise with its ways. We are called to die to its ways and live for Christ. (Paraphrase of Tozer/The old cross and the new)

Abba, I must admit there is fear and trembling in my heart as I read this article this morning.  There is a difference between friendship with You and a familiarity without a true regard for just Who You are.  Help me to never take for granted or in any way diminish You or all that You have done.  My old life is not my friend but has become my enemy, as is any attitude or behavior that separates me from You.  The “world” too in no friend, though there is much beauty and spender to be seen, this is not my home.  I am an alien in a strange land on a journey towards home.  You are my home.  In all things, please direct my path and keep my heart fixed upon You.

Saturday, December 2, 2017


It’s remarkable to me how a picture can bring up so many wonderful memories and warm emotions, remembering times in my life that were just magical and full of wonder.  Those memories are a part of me, a part of who I am.

I think that’s why God would so often tell Israel to “remember” some event or to “write it down” because we can so often forget, with all the distractions of our everyday lives, just how magical and full of wonder our lives really are.