Monday, July 8, 2013

And all the sons of God shouted for joy . . .

Joy - that is the most amazing word and I see more and more it is His desire for me, to live in abundant joy. It comes from giving thanks for all that surrounds me and knowing these “moments of grace” are His gifts of love for me and all I need to do is open my eyes and my heart to see and receive them. Oh the uncontainable joy when my joy in Him meets with His joy in me – a glimpse of glory and the eternal.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

. . . for I have learned

Reading today Ann Voskamp, Eucharisteo, thankfulness, gratitude – finding joy in life, even when there is death, divorce and debt. Gifts from my Abba come in many different packages, and the gifts themselves can sometimes cause me to stop and wonder . . . why . . when it was something else I wanted.

But He knows what I need, what will bring wholeness and well-being to my life.
A long ago memory, a birthday, I was young, 8 or 9.   Someone gave me a shirt. I remember my disappointment, my “un”gratefulness for the gift. I wanted a toy, a game or something else that would bring me pleasure.  I remember my mom explaining that I should be grateful that someone cared enough to give me something I needed. . . and not something I would soon grow tired of. At the time, I don't think I fully appreciated the wisdom of what she was saying.

The gifts our Father gives we often see as that “shirt” - not what we want but always what we need, though we may not understand at the time.

I want to learn that attitude of gratitude . . . easy to say, harder to live by . . . but then He isn't finished with me yet.