Saturday, August 8, 2015

A thought and a prayer.

Father, it’s hard to see the bread of life when your stomach is empty  - but that is my heart’s desire.

To cultivate an appetite for Jesus.  Out into the deep, where my feet don’t touch, not to struggle but to float.  Beyond the gift to the Giver.  As we seek Him, He reveals Himself to us through His Spirit.  Not demanding but asking in faith, knowing He is good and can be trusted.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Be on guard

Guard your relationships (and your heart) from harmful influences.  Maintain balance.  The internet can be a good thing or a bad thing; your job can rule over you or you can rule over it.  Anything in life can be a weight or a wing.   We have control, a choice, over what we allow into our lives.  Are my choices, my values, guided by a biblical world view? We can accept His provision and be grateful or reject it and complain.  We can choose life or death.  He accepts us as we are, at whatever level of commitment we are able to bring but He will always desire more because full surrender is where fullness and peace and joy and love abound.  The deeper we go, the more He covers us until we are completely drowning in His grace.