Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Know before Whom you stand.

I came across this scripture the other day and found myself filled with such wonder.

To know Him as Sovereign Lord, creator and sustainer of life – Who is holy, just and pure and also the One who wants us to know Him as Abba, intimately and personally, Who loves us with an unending love.

As always, there is that holy tension – where two seemingly opposites are bound together. He really does hold all things together, I know He holds me together and close to His heart – what a marvelous mystery.

Monday, August 27, 2012


As someone who is familiar with and loves our Hebraic roots, I can't help but see some similarities between the season of Elul and the season of Lent – both are time of reflection and repentance in preparation for very significant dates – Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when sins are forgiven (for another year) and Passover and the Resurrection Day, where sin is dealt with permanently. Both are commemorative, recalling historical events with spiritual significance. Both have their “traditions” and both can be offered to God and used by Him in drawing us closer to Him.

I guess, one of the reasons I've been looking at this is why there always seems to be “sides” to things or that one is somehow better than the other. Can't there somehow be a sameness in purpose yet difference in method– like two sides of a coin – the purpose of the coin is the same which ever side is up.

For a number of years I have been drawn to Hebraic roots. There is a richness and depth it brings that is both exciting and comforting. But I don't feel compelled to “observe” Sabbath or the Feast Days – to have an awareness, yes but I don't see the observance as necessary. (I don't see observing Lent as necessary either). 
I just want to follow Jesus, God's One and Only Son – it is by that name I came to know Him as the One who paid the price for me, the One to whom I belong, the One to whom I cling. In many ways my faith is very simple – while I find doctrines and teachings beneficial, (although I probably spend way to much “head-time” studying them) – it is my relationship with Him and others that I find of the most importance.

To my Messianic friends, I applaud you – and thoroughly enjoy all that I have learned through you and am so grateful that you are a part of my life. To those friends within the church – no matter which branch you happen to be in – I am grateful too for your presence in my life and how many times the Lord has revealed His love through you. God is so much greater than what we know and I can't wait to spend eternity getting to know Him (and all of you) better.
Shalom and God's peace be with you!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sins committed without thinking or without knowledge.

Do I seek and respect Godly counsel so I do not walk in ignorance of His Ways? Or do I love the traditions of men more then I love to walk in obedience to God?
FATHER, as I was reading this morning, the author of this devotion seemed to speak against Christian “traditions” and those who do not celebrate the Feasts, observe Sabbath or keep Your Laws. I found myself becoming somewhat annoyed by their attitude.  It just seems like it’s a Jesus PLUS perspective or another approach to “our part and Your part” (when is enough enough?) – I really don’t think I’ll ever fully understand.  Please show me what is true, what is real, what is it I need to see and do in this.  The last thing I want to do is hold to a tradition of man and miss You in the process.  Let Your Spirit guide me, let me hear and understand and obey His lead.  I can’t do this on my own, don’t want to even try.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

from hardness of heart

ABBA, forgive me for my own hardness of heart.  In an effort to not “feel” hurt or pain, I’ve built a wall around my heart. I don’t believe it was in rebellion or intentionally a rejection of You – but it gets in the way and I am truly sorry and humbly ask that You will help me to tear it down. There is a balance or an appropriate way to protect my heart – but it’s allowing You to be my defender; rather than a wall, to provide a fence to keep out the things that could damage my heart, while allowing those things that will cause me to be more like Jesus to come through . . . and only You know which is which. More of You, Lord and less of me.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back to reality

ABBA Father, I’m having a melt-down.  After a week away – rested yet not at rest.  I am so sorry that I let the cares of life rob me of the joy that You give.  I see it as a sin against You, because it reveals a lack of trust . . . a fearfulness that something bad will happen and “I” won’t be able to handle it . . . as if “I” can really handle anything on my own.  I feel so out of control and it scares me.  I don’t want to feel this way, but that’s all it is – a feeling.  There’s this dialog in my head – that I somehow don’t measure up – which in truth I don’t – a feeling of inadequacy . . . again, feelings.  Show me what I need to learn from this, use this to draw me closer to You, make a change in me to be more in love with You, to be more in Your will, centered and steadied in You. 

I am sorry and I am grateful, that once again -  You have come to my rescue, Your peace that passes understanding does sustain me, Your joy does fill me and Your presence is so much more than I could ever hope for – just knowing that You are near, that You are here with me, is more than enough for what ever may come my way.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psa. 16:11)