Saturday, July 7, 2018

He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge.

These verses reminded me of the story of the woman with the issue of blood and the significance of “the hem of His garment” and the reference in Malachi 4:2 - The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings.

The first time I heard the connection it just brought home to me how the Bible (Old and New testaments) are a love story. Both give meaning and understanding to the other.  As a friend once told me, understanding the old testaments’ relationship to the new is like walking into a room and turning the lights on.  The room hasn’t changed but the shadows now take form and substance.

The following is a brief explanation of the connection:

Have you ever wondered what prompted the woman with the issue of blood to touch the “hem” of  Jesus’ garment? The word translated  garment in the story is translated elsewhere as “wing”. The Jewish prayer shawl, or tallit, has a very important, knotted, blue cord that hangs from the corner. This area is called the “wing”. When the Hebrew  prayed they held the “wings” of their prayer shawl out to form a “tent”. This was their prayer closet.  Old Testament scripture foretells that when Messiah comes, there will be “healing in His wings”. The woman familiar with this scripture knew to touch the “wing” of His prayer shawl to be healed. And Jesus said to her, “Your faith has healed you.” Mk. 5:34.

For  a more in-depth  study see here:

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