Friday, July 6, 2018

Generous living

I read this morning about an employer who continued to pay his employees, even after his factory burned to the ground.  An example of living generously.  The thought occurred to me that perhaps we to easily try to live beyond our necessities.

In Psalm 78 – I was reminded how Israel “grew unfaithful in their hearts”; all their needs were provided for, but “they grew tired of God’s provision”.  They wanted more.

Our troubles in life often come because of our selfish desires for more and because of what we allow into our hearts.

I was reminded of a quote by John Piper.  “The works of the flesh and the fruit of love are not two different optional ways to live in freedom. When you live according to the flesh, you are in slavery. But when you serve each other in love, you are in freedom. Why? Because love is motivated by the joy of sharing our fullness, but the works of the flesh are motivated by the desire to fill our emptiness.”

What motives my obedience?

My prayer: To live generously – make my obedience more and more a grateful, willing gift . . . not out of fear or for appearance sake – but for the joy of knowing and being known by You.

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