Saturday, December 21, 2013

On Ducks and Disagreements

I have to say that all the uproar about Phil and A&E concerns me a bit. This has become what seems to be a line in the sand, and while I support Phil – there just seems to be so many other lines that deserve more attention. There are always consequences to our actions, and when you take a stand someone is going to disagree. In this instance, what bother me most is that the left is tolerant of every view point EXCEPT those that disagree with them.

If someone chooses to be practice same sex sex – and it is a choice, rather you're born that way or not – you.have.a.choice. If you choose this life style there are consequences. I don't think any less of someone who make this choice, but I do believe that this is outside of God's will. He still loves them but their choice causes a separation.

We are all sinner's in need of a savior and we are called to love one another – this doesn't mean everyone gets to do whatever they want or that I have to agree with them. It is God's part to judge the hearts of men. He has given us certain guidelines to help in discerning what is His will and what is not.

As a follower of Jesus, I believe the Bible provides those guidelines. It is the standard I use. If someone else chooses another standard – it's their choice and as long as their choice doesn't prevent me from following my choice – I'm basically okay with that.

But I'm not okay when I'm forced to accept something that contradicts my beliefs and here in America, we still have the right to express our beliefs . . . at least we use to.

As I see it, Phil has that right. A & E also has that right. If the gay community is offended, well so are a lot of folks who are called homophobic because they don't agree with that life style.

Just some thoughts.

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