Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Morning musings

Abba – Several things this morning. Political comments on fb and how divided this country is – both “sides” accusing the other of all the woes that seem so prevalent today, everyone seems so angry, so convinced that they’re right. I just want to understand the truth, to do what is right and to extend grace to others.

I was thinking too about our perceptions – the case that Brant has - a woman accused of stealing and the money being found in her purse. On the surface it seems pretty obvious, but then you look a little deeper into some of the facts and it becomes less clear – perhaps she really was framed.

And then reading about the Exodus plagues – the one of darkness. It’s the same word as in the beginning. Thinking about the dementor character in the Harry Potter books – that their presence sucks out all the joy – the presence of evil is real and covers itself in darkness and deception. We need Your light to shine into our darkness – I know I do. More and more, Jesus, I see Your word as truth and life and light and joy. When the trials of this life come help me to see them through Your Word with my eyes firmly planted on You. There is no truth apart from You.

(The reference to the Harry Potter books is not meant as an endorsement but only as observation)

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