Friday, February 3, 2012

Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed. (Psa 85:9-10)

ABBA, FATHER, The theme this morning seems to be finding those things held in common – rather than focusing on things that divide; learning to build bridges rather than walls; finding that connection between justice and mercy (which is the Cross) – To find unity in the midst of differences; to find balance.

However, there is no compromise between truth and a lie – some things are either true or their not. Jesus is truth – yet within His body there are different perspectives on how truth is defined, some more broad than others. I was listening to a conversation this morning between Rob Bell and Andrian Warnock and their perspectives on hell. The bottom line revolved around their differences regarding eternal torment vs annihilation. This is one of those “truths” I’ve often struggle with myself. The traditional view is eternal torment. . . but I can see the argument for the other as well. Then there is the Calvinism v. Arminianism – or - once saved always saved v. losing one’s salvation. What is true faith? There are a number of these areas. When do these differences become a heresy? Or apostasy?

FATHER, I don’t have the answer and I’m not even sure I fully understand the question but all I do know is that I can trust You and know that You have this all worked out to perfection and whether or not I understand is really not what You’re looking for – but rather that I trust You . . . completely, without reservation. I know that You are loving and that You are just . . . and that is enough for me.

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