Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed (anchored) on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.

I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed yesterday, and the “feeling” still lingered this morning. I was looking at scripture for the remedy and Isaiah 26:3 came to mind. A commentary I read mentioned “If I'm feeling overwhelmed, then I've let my heart and mind drift from God. I've fastened my attention on my problems rather than my Lord. . . Start praising God for His faithfulness and his loving kindness for us. If we divert our focus away from our problems and onto Him, the Lord Himself will reward our faith and give us His perfect peace. . . Give up your "right" to be angry about your circumstances. Approach the Lord as a hurting child seeking a comforting parent. And the God of peace will make His love real for you.” This is so true, yet so easily forgotten. Life is so full of distractions – but He is faithful and will provide as we continue to trust in Him.

The writer also says “while His love is unconditional, His blessings are usually conditional -- they require some small effort on our part to qualify for something too wonderful for us to ever achieve own our own.” In the Isaiah scripture the blessing is perfect peace. In the Hebrew, it's "shalom shalom" -- the normal word for peace repeated for emphasis, to show that this is something quite special.

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