Monday, March 26, 2012

A reflection

My internet has been down, which I use in my morning quiet times, so recently I've been going back and reading through some of my old journals. I came across the following and thought I'd post it here.

We just recently went to see Prince Caspian and there was a scene that has stayed with me. Early on in the movie Lucy sees Aslan and wants to go to him. She tries to convince the others but they don’t believe her and choose a different path. Much later on she finally meets with Aslan and she says “I knew it was you” and he asks “then why didn’t you come to me?” There’s a pause and she simply says “I’m sorry” and the scene moves on. I just think of all the times when I know it’s Him and for whatever reason I don’t go to Him. When I finally do, He’s always there and we move on. I can never know what might have been but I can know that my future is secure with Him. I just don’t want to miss Him when He calls.

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