Saturday, December 11, 2010

. . . not loss of being but loss of well being.

FATHER, I’m back in 2 Peter and reading about false teachers and destructive heresies, which lead to “the loss of well being, not being”.  I had to stop and think about this as it describes what separation from You is like  -  death, but not annihilation. You have given me that sense of “well being” that seems to transcend the difficulties and hard places in my life; that anchor that hold me and steadies me in the storms.  I don’t totally understand why it’s this way, I’m just so grateful that it’s there – that quiet confidence of knowing that everything is going to be alright.  That “well being” is because I know that You are with me – that I am never alone, and what ever comes, we (You and I) will get through it.  I know sometimes I get a little shaky when I start the “what if”s – and I’m really sorry I allow myself to go there.  But You always come and calm me, strengthen me, allow me to cry as You wrap Your arms around me and speak peace and quiet to my soul. You are so amazing, Your goodness and faithfulness. . . the more I seek You, the more I find You and the more I find You the more I love You. The greatest joy in my life is loving and being loved by YOU!

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