Journaling – a way of tracing the hand of God upon one’s life . . . to celebrate the power of God in the midst
of my own weakness. . . a testimony of the faithfulness of God in my life. . .
to perceive the divine whisper, to transform into print, the still, small voice
of God. (MacDonald)
I am and have been for years – a journalner. I can’t image a day without it. I have decades of spiral notebooks filled
with my most inner thoughts and conversations with my heavenly Father, times of
such sweet and intimate communion with my Lord that I can hardly believe they're real – but I know they are, because I’ve written them down.
So when I came upon MacDonald’s section on Journal keeping as a way to
listen to God, of bringing order into our private world – something inside me
reacted with sheer joy and a shout of Amen!
So if you’re looking for a way of drawing closer to Him, take some time
alone, grab a notebook and something to write with and just tell Him what’s on
your heart by writing it down. And in
the in-between times, when you’ve said what’s on your heart - be still and
listen, don’t get rushed but wait expectantly.
It may take some time but His desire is to be in communion with us, to
tabernacle with us. He just needs a
willing and receptive heart and time to speak.
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