Thursday, August 31, 2017

Lessons from the storm

 – that there does reside in people a desire to help those in need, to be our brother’s keeper, so to speak.  It has to do with our consciences, given by our Father and a part of His purpose that we should love one another.  This goes above and beyond our being Americans (although I must confess I am proud to be one) – rather than our independence it reveals our dependence on each other.  For man was not meant to live “alone” but in relationship and community.  I personally believe that starts with our communion with God our Father, through faith in His Son and the working of His Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds.

In the storms in is helpful to remember that the storm won’t last, that He is in the storm with us and has promised to get us through to the other side.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

What to do about John Mark

What a reminder this is that we are dealing with the God of the Second Chance! Some may have muffed things badly in a ministry, or failed in some area of life. Oftentimes in the world, no second chance is offered, but the God of grace offers a second and even a third and fourth chance.  (Stedman/Col 4:10)

I have always found comfort in the story of Paul and Barnabus and their parting of the ways because of John Mark.  I think both had legitimate reasons for their positions, there was not a right and wrong answer – God used both.

Paul didn’t want to take a chance that John Mark would bail on him again.  He didn’t trust him.  When someone has betrayed you – while you can forgive them – it is not always wise to put yourself in a position where they are apt to betray you again.  Paul was no stranger to adversity and needed someone he could count on.

Barnabus, on the other hand, wants to give John Mark a second chance (he is after all a son of encouragement).  He probably saw something in John Mark that was worth developing.  He could just as easily have been betrayed but was willing to risk it.  In the end it appears John Mark rose to the occasion.  And finally he was reconciled with Paul and was even given his approval.

I see value in both and more importantly God was able to use both for His purposes.  Often times I’ve seen Christians part company for all kinds of reasons.  I just believe that God can use these divisions for His own purposes.  And sometimes these divisions are necessary because we can become too comfortable and set in our ways.

I think it’s important to remember that ultimately God is in charge.  As long as we are seeking Him and walking towards Him, we will also be drawing closer to one another and eventually our divisions will cease. Hard to imagine at times, but I believe it’s true.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

I heard someone the other day say:

"My grandson was a bit sullen the other day when I was correcting him about something. When I asked him why he was acting that way he said, "Because you're always accusing me." That gave me pause. I did not realize it looked like that to him. I did not think I was always accusing him---I am sure I was not---but to him it looked that way. I realized I had better change and approach things differently."

That got me thinking of how differently we can perceive the same thing.  It seems even “eye witnesses” can have differing accounts of the same event, of what they see or don’t see.  I think that’s what makes knowing the truth so difficult at times.  Our own biases and histories can get in the way.  I think that’s why a criteria for truth must lie outside of one’s self – to define truth that isn’t based on personal opinion or momentary emotions.

God’s word says knowing the truth will set you free. . .because truth doesn’t depend on me.  His word is true – from the beginning to the end, unchanging, to be trusted and relied upon.  What a comfort to know that I don’t have to figure it all out, that He has done that for me.

Friday, August 25, 2017

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men (Col 3:23)

I try to remind myself of this on a daily basis.  Though I don’t always succeed it’s worth the effort to try and develop this practice.  As the saying goes, we play for an audience of one and often the most menial task can have the greatest impact – on others and on ourselves.

I often think of David as a young boy. He was a shepherd who spent his early years caring for sheep.  As I understand it, sheep are pretty mindless animals and really need someone to look after them, but then that’s another story.

I know that all that time David spent alone, tending the sheep – a rather lowly and menial task – that God was preparing him for something much bigger.  I have always wanted a heart like David’s because he was known for having a heart for the Lord.  What a truly wonderful thing to be known for.  I think a large part of his heart development occurred during his early years spent in the lowly task of tending sheep.  So when I hear “whatever you do” I think of David.  So often the things we do go without notice or at least it appears that way.  But there is One who knows our every move.  I want my moves to be for Him, directed by Him and to rejoice in those moments when it’s just between the two of us.  So whatever I do, rather seen or unseen – I want it to be all for Him.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


There is, today, this movement to remove historical monuments that have a negative connotation - that represent a not so favorable view of who we were and where we come from.  I’m just glad that the writers’ of the Bible, guided by the Holy Spirit, chose to portray humans just as they are – warts and all, so to speak, because none of us get it right all the time.  Part of maturing is learning from our mistakes, accepting the fact that we are flawed – and learning to change and move forward.

I am a sinner saved by grace.  Because of His grace I want to extend it to others and would hope that others would be willing to extend it to me.  Just a thought.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Break my heart for what breaks Yours.

Father, I am so grateful that I am forgiven.  Without Your forgiveness I could not breathe.  Help me, cause me to grow beyond being forgiven to be changed and conformed into the image of Jesus.  Clean out the clutter in my heart and let me start anew, as when You were my first love, to be a participant in Your plans and to rejoice in loving and being loved by You.  Thank You that You will complete the work You have begun in me – we’ve come a long way, but we have a ways to go and I know that You are not done with me yet.  To be a builder of bridges not walls.  To live out of the fullness in You rather than the emptiness in me.  My life is in Your hands.  Oh the joy of knowing that I am Yours.