Love is a
choice. Talking with a friend last night
about an intense exercise program and what we say to ourselves. The story of the little engine that could
came to mind. When some challenge
arises, we can rise to the occasion by telling ourselves “I can do this”. Or we
can let it defeat us by telling ourselves “I can’t do this”. Sometimes love is like that. And sometimes just saying the words is not
enough. I need the Father’s help and more – not
just His assistance but His existence in my life.
thought this morning is that I want to go deeper and that requires discipline,
being intentional, making the effort.
Deeper in the sense of connection, of knowing and being known. As an
introvert, I find this difficult. The
desire is there but sometimes the cost is just too much. Connection for me is being comfortable with someone,
not feeling the need to speak and yet communicating. Words so often fail me. I say something without really wanting to
speak and yet wanting to be heard. To
fill the empty space between.
prayer is like that. I’m never sure what
to “say” but would much prefer to just be still and listen . . . or to just be
still. What a comfort to know that my Father is always present with me in the moment.