Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Giving thanks

Giving thanks is God’s will for us, for me.  I don't always do well with this. Sometimes it seems as though I’m just saying the words out of an obedience, from a desire to please You, my Abba.  Saying the words sometimes causes the feelings to follow.

Being grateful - like love - is an act of the will, a choice we can choose, an attitude we can adopt, a lesson we can learn.  Help me, Abba, to open my heart to the possibilities, to the realities of grateful living.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Eyes to see

This morning I had fixed a couple of sausage patties from Brant.  He’s on the road today and was busy getting ready to leave.  He had taken a bite out of one and put the dish down and, in his getting ready, he now couldn't find them.  We began to search, retracing steps, looking high and low, until we’d just about given up.  As I scanned the counter tops, one last time, there they were – patiently waiting in the dish where he had left them.  We had missed them because also sitting on the counter were the cat’s dishes containing their cat food.  The dishes were similar and because they are always there we “didn't see” the dish containing the sausages. 

The lesson for me is that sometimes I miss seeing something because what I’m looking at is too familiar, like the many gifts God has given.  Because they’re always there, I overlook their unique beauty and wonder.  Lord, give me eyes to see all that I have been missing.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Contentment - Phil 4:11-12

Father, Paul says he has learned to be content – in any situation.  I guess, I’m still learning.  I sometimes feel like I can survive any situation . . . but contentment is not always evident.  Sometimes I’m clinging to You, holding on with a wing and a prayer.  I’m just so grateful that You are always faithful, constant and the rock on which I stand.   If Paul can learn, then so can I because You have given us the same Spirit and You will complete the work that You have begun.  This I believe, this I choose.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I have called you by name (Isa 43)

I remember a time, many years ago when I lived on my own in a small up-stairs apartment over one below.  It was a beautiful spring day and I had the windows open to let in the fresh air and sun light.  At that moment I was standing in front of a mirror, brushing my hair and humming a song when I literally heard someone call my name.  It startled me so much that I let out a little scream of surprise and turned to see who was there . . . but there was no one.  I looked outside and went from room to room, but found no one.

It was during this time that I was working as the music person on an upcoming women’s retreat.  One of the songs we were using was one called “I Heard the Lord Call My Name” and it just happened to be the song I had been humming – some of the words are listed below. 

As I stood there in my apartment wondering what or if I had heard anyone, it came to me, in a gentile whisper, that it was the Lord and that He had indeed called me by name.  I smiled to myself, amused that He would call me at such an ordinary and uneventful moment and humbled that He DID call me and that I was His.

I heard the Lord call my name listen close you’ll hear the same
I heard the Lord call my name listen close you’ll hear the same

His word is Love.  Love’s His word that’s the message that I heard
His word is Love.  Love’s His word that’s the message that I heard

I felt His Love from above settle on me like a dove
I felt His Love from above settle on me like a dove

And to the Father all your days - with the Son and Spirit praise!
And to the Father all your days - with the Son and Spirit praise!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Be still

In the quiet stillness God speaks and breathes new life and healing into our souls. 

I remember the expression “getting in the weeds” when I worked as a waitress.  It meant things were overwhelming, when the demands felt like they were more than one could handle.  It was in these times that I learned it was necessary to take a moment and just breathe; to find or create a quiet spot and tune out all the chaos. Your mind tells you “I don’t have the time for this” but your heart knows you do.  Because in the quiet He is present.  Oh, He’s there in the noisiness of life as well, but unless we take the time to listen, we’ll miss Him, His words of encouragement and peace. It requires a certain discipline and a willingness to “let go” of our control or what we think is our control.  Intentional listening. It only takes a moment.