Forbidden by the Holy Spirit to
preach the gospel in Asia and Bithynia.
timing is not always in line with God’s timing.
Being sensitive to the Spirit is the best way to “stay” in God’s will,
with His plans and purposes, with His time table. Part of knowing the right thing to do is
often knowing the right time to do it.
How does one learn to be sensitive to His Spirit? By spending time with Him. Jesus promised His sheep would recognize His
reminded of phone calls and how we learn to recognize the voice of a friend –
just hearing their voice registers in our memory that we know them, that we
share a relationship with them, even though we can’t see them.
logically thought he would go to Asia – to preach. It would seem to make sense. He was close and preaching the gospel was his
mission. But God had other plans. Paul
is being guided by hindrance. The Holy Spirit often guides as much by the closing of
doors as He does by the opening of doors.
How do
we know?
His word
Prayer with
an open, expectant heart
still before Him
(not necessarily in this order)