Wednesday, January 23, 2013

. . . the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ

Father, thinking about this, that the glory which shown in Jesus was not something physical but the reality of Your presence, Your essence - Your love, which is Who You are. Thinking of the line in the song – to love someone is to see the face of God . . . that there is a difference between being in love with someone and loving someone – between believing in You and believing You. Perhaps its that one is a feeling and the other is a choice. Your love is so far beyond us. Jesus was/is the manifestation of Your love. And our love for You is manifested in believing Him. Oh, to be like Him, to have a heart like His. Please dear Lord, make it so in me.

Monday, January 14, 2013

“Do not be ashamed of your emptiness” . . .

. . . “There is no place for pretense in your relationship with Me” and 'My relationship with you is saturated with grace' (from Jesus Calling)

Father, I think I needed to hear this this morning – because I do feel an emptiness , a longing to connect. I have a tendency to view this type of “feeling” as an indication that something is wrong in me. But I see that it may just come from Your Spirit stirring in me, drawing me closer and deeper and more and more dependent on You. I want to make a difference for You. I know I'll never be great in Your kingdom, but I just want to know that I've done my part, that my life will be fruitful - for You. I am so grateful that You have saturated my life with Your grace – a love so amazing.
Rom 8:38-39

Friday, January 11, 2013

Morning musings

Father, reading this morning – to recognize that You are God, and You alone. All authority is Yours, You are the head over all and You have given us a choice; either to walk with You or away from You. Your promises to those who walk with You are life eternal, a life filled with love, peace and joy. These gifts are our security, that we can count on – when we trust You. You have saved us – saved me from the “corruption that is in the world through lust”.

Father, I pray that I will never grow tried of hearing of all that You have done and continue to do, that each day will be filled with awe and wonder, that You should care for me with such love, with such abandon. Thank You, Father, for the gift of prayer, that I may come into Your presence knowing that Your desire is to be in relationship with me; that I can bare my heart to You and that You hear me when I pray, really hear me – not just the words but the deepest parts of me are all known to You. And knowing that Your plans and purposes for my life are being accomplished through Your Spirit in me. Love so amazing!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A broken heart and a contrite spirit

Thank You Father, that Your love for me is greater than my sin against You. Reading in Jesus Calling about victories and failures, that victories in our own strength can cause us to go our own way, where often the failures – when confessed – can lead us to a deeper dependence on You; that Your strength is made perfect in my weaknesses. (You certainly have a lot to work with in me).  Your grace is sufficient, its more that enough for me.