Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Christmas thought

Happy Birthday and thank You for coming and dwelling among us and making the way that we can now live in unending fellowship with You. As I was reading this morning I came across 1 John 3:23 and to paraphrase it simply – trust Jesus and love others. It occurred to me that I like these simple yet insightful sayings because for me they are easy to remember and I need things to be simple. To be able to sum up, in just a few words, just what it is that You ask for, what brings You honor and delights You. Now these words may be simple but the living them out requires more that is humanly possible – but then You've taken care of that too – through Your Spirit, Who dwells within us. The only thing I can say is . . . WOW!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

“. . . the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day”

How remarkable, that before the fall God walked in the garden with man. It appears to be a habit of daily, continual fellowship that was up close and personal; apparently one of relaxed, informal and uninhibited conversation.  It was God's desire for this to take place and He would – somehow – make the reality of His presence known to Adam and Eve. And then we blew it – through our own selfishness but then He made a way . . .the way. In Jesus, He once again walked in the garden with man. Now we can live eternally in fellowship with Him Who loves us and desires to be in relationship with us. How amazing it that!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation (Hab 3:18)

As I was reading through some posts and articles this morning, I found myself becoming overwhelmed by the direction this world is heading. So much of what the Bible foretold, is happening right before my eyes. While that means we are just that much closer to His return, it can still be a little unnerving.  I happened upon a music video of “I'm still Yours” by Kutless. The following statement was at the end. I'm so grateful to know that He is and will always be sovereign and that nothing in heaven or earth will ever separate me from His love.

Worship is my response to what I value most.
What I value most is God.
I was made by Him and for Him.
He is awesome beyond comprehension
I exist for the purpose of reflecting back to God His limitless glory.
I will exalt Him with my mouth & with my life 
   for He is my hope, my joy, my strength and my salvation.