Friday, November 23, 2012

The LORD will command His lovingkindness . . . And in the night His song shall be with me - A prayer to the God of my life. (Psa 42:8)

I woke up, very briefly, last night with this prayer in my mind. I can remember drifting back to sleep with this prayer and thinking – I need to remember this.   I just now remembered it:

Jesus, alone, I trust in You -
that whatever may come, You'll see me through.

It's so simple, yet such a comfort to know that even in sleep His Spirit is speaking.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

on prayer . . .

Abba, Father, reading about prayer this morning and how Jesus spent long periods in prayer, in the garden praying all night while His disciples slept. I'm sure I would have slept and I'm amazed that He could pray all night. I seem to run out of things to pray about or feel like I'm being repetitive, that You've heard it before or my mind starts to drift. To be so intentional and yet so natural. Father, I want to be able to pray without ceasing, to pray from the heart – expecting and trusting in You to act in ways that fulfill Your plans and purposes. I have a general idea but the specifics are often a mystery. And quite often my flesh gets in the way. My basic understanding is that prayer is simply conversing with You – and ideally it's a two way conversation, meaning I need to take the time to listen. I really love it when You speak to me. How amazing that You have made a way for us to come into Your presence and “be” with You.
W O W!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Do not fear . . .

So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who [are] with us [are] more than those who [are] with them." 2 Kings 6:16

This scripture and the story of Elisha in the confrontation with the King of Syria was shared at the worship concert last night and I found myself sighing a sigh of relief and rejoicing. As I stood in the midst of that huge auditorium, filled with the sounds of worship and praise, with hands and hearts lifted up to the One Whose Name is above all names – I could almost see the heavenly hosts and hear them joining in the sweet sound of abandon to our King. What do I have to fear and who can come against me. I know the One Who goes before and behind me, Who has promised never to leave me, the One Who spoke the world into being, the One Who has called me by name, the One whose Spirit dwells within me. For a moment, it was if I had stepped into eternity. Our God is the one and only Awesome God, may His name be ever praised. Hallelujah and amen!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Some trust in chariots . . .

ABBA, well the people have spoken, but the message is a divided one. I feel such a sense of sadness but know that You are still on Your throne and have this all in Your hands. I believe Your judgment against America has begun, that we have lived to long in prosperity without acknowledging You as Lord. We've taken for granted the blessings You have poured out and rather than offer thanks, have squandered them and grown complacent; filled with pride in our own abilities rather than a reliance upon You as the source of all that we have been given. But I also know, that as Your children, You will continue to provide for those who call upon Your name, who put their trust in You. In the midst of the storm, You are the anchor that holds, we are not alone, You are in the boat with us, and will get us safely to the other side.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

On being His . . .

Abba, I have been very aware over the last few days of how much my life needs to be a reflection of You, that those who see me might see a difference in me, a difference which comes from my life in You. This world is not my home, but a temporary dwelling and an opportunity to reveal to others that the secret to life, a successful and satisfying life, is found in You; that You have and will continue to provide all that we need to live life fully, without fear or shame, in joyful abandon to You. That You can be trusted completely to cause all things – ALL things – to work together for our good when we simply trust You and allow You to be the Lord of our lives. Therefore, dearest Lord, I seek Your face, Your will, Your purpose for my life; that Your plans and purposes will be accomplished in and through me. . . this day and every day. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

A reflection and a prayer

Abba, Father – Tomorrow is election day. Either way, Lord, we need You and we desperately need revival in this country. Stir up Your people, and cause us to be a witness to the world of just Who You are, of Your great love and how life in You is the greatest joy that can be found, Your peace Your power Your great love can move mountains and restore the brokenhearted.

Be anxious for nothing – I hear You speaking these words to my heart and mind. Through Your word, You spoke the world into being and through Your word You speak peace, a peace which passes all understanding, I want to walk in that peace, to live and abide in Your presence, to be an instrument of Your grace - I choose You Lord, over all the voices, over all the distractions and cares of this life - I choose You because You have chosen me. In You my life is complete. Whatever lies ahead, I know that my security is in You.