Abba – Several things this morning. Political comments on fb and how divided this country is – both “sides” accusing the other of all the woes that seem so prevalent today, everyone seems so angry, so convinced that they’re right. I just want to understand the truth, to do what is right and to extend grace to others.
I was thinking too about our perceptions – the case that Brant has - a woman accused of stealing and the money being found in her purse. On the surface it seems pretty obvious, but then you look a little deeper into some of the facts and it becomes less clear – perhaps she really was framed.
And then reading about the Exodus plagues – the one of darkness. It’s the same word as in the beginning. Thinking about the dementor character in the Harry Potter books – that their presence sucks out all the joy – the presence of evil is real and covers itself in darkness and deception. We need Your light to shine into our darkness – I know I do. More and more, Jesus, I see Your word as truth and life and light and joy. When the trials of this life come help me to see them through Your Word with my eyes firmly planted on You. There is no truth apart from You.
(The reference to the Harry Potter books is not meant as an endorsement but only as observation)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Enoch was pleasing to God. . . . Noah found favor in God’s eyes.
Father, I feel dull this morning, perhaps because I’m tired, perhaps because I’ve fallen, perhaps because I’ve allowed myself to get distracted . . . I seem to have a hard time staying focused, my mind just can’t seem to connect, to hold on. . . It’s times like this, when Your presence seems far away, that I need You the most. Reading about Moses this morning. Some of the commentaries seem to believe You were not pleased with his questioning You about Your name and his reluctance to “go” for You . . . yet You choose him anyway.
What is it Lord, that brings You pleasure? I know we/I can not please You without faith – without trusting in You, believing in You, turning towards You with all our heart, mind, strength and soul. I want to please You and there are times when I feel so connected to You, so embraced by You, so much a part of You and You in me . . . but at the moment I just don’t know what I feel. I know our relationship is not based on how I feel - Thank You for that!!! - but I like the feeling.
Okay, I don’t need the feeling, I need the faith to continue, the assurance that no matter what I may “feel” You are faithful and true and that I belong to You – everything else is secondary to that - and of that I am sure!!!
More of You, Lord and less of me.
What is it Lord, that brings You pleasure? I know we/I can not please You without faith – without trusting in You, believing in You, turning towards You with all our heart, mind, strength and soul. I want to please You and there are times when I feel so connected to You, so embraced by You, so much a part of You and You in me . . . but at the moment I just don’t know what I feel. I know our relationship is not based on how I feel - Thank You for that!!! - but I like the feeling.
Okay, I don’t need the feeling, I need the faith to continue, the assurance that no matter what I may “feel” You are faithful and true and that I belong to You – everything else is secondary to that - and of that I am sure!!!
More of You, Lord and less of me.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
“What has Jesus done for you recently?”
I was listening to a teaching the other day and the speaker asked “what has Jesus done for you recently?” It’s a good question and one we should be expecting and looking for an answer to as those who carry His Name. The speaker's intention was not to focus on us (what's in it for me) but on Jesus (what an awesome Lord He is).
This morning I was doing some maintenance on my computer with a new program and it took much longer than I had anticipated (hours versus minutes). I do most of my quiet time and study on-line, I read scripture, look up words, journal, read commentaries, etc – you get the idea, so I was initially miffed for the intrusion into my normal routine. And then it occurred to me that I could do my daily readings with out the computer – and so I did. I also realized I have numerous resource books waiting patiently for me to use just an arms reach away, and so I pulled several out and had a wonderful time of discovery and just being aware of His presence in a familiar and yet unfamiliar way. Even my prayer time seemed less distracted and more focused on Him.
So what has Jesus done for me recently? He’s caused me to realize how much He desires to be available to me, to all us who carry His name and how strong the desire to be with Him is within me.
He just gets better and better and I am continually amazed!
This morning I was doing some maintenance on my computer with a new program and it took much longer than I had anticipated (hours versus minutes). I do most of my quiet time and study on-line, I read scripture, look up words, journal, read commentaries, etc – you get the idea, so I was initially miffed for the intrusion into my normal routine. And then it occurred to me that I could do my daily readings with out the computer – and so I did. I also realized I have numerous resource books waiting patiently for me to use just an arms reach away, and so I pulled several out and had a wonderful time of discovery and just being aware of His presence in a familiar and yet unfamiliar way. Even my prayer time seemed less distracted and more focused on Him.
So what has Jesus done for me recently? He’s caused me to realize how much He desires to be available to me, to all us who carry His name and how strong the desire to be with Him is within me.
He just gets better and better and I am continually amazed!
Friday, January 13, 2012
“However, when a person has God living within them, there is a desire to keep the commandments of God and thereby please the Lord.”
This line was from a devotional I read this morning and the following are some thoughts that resulted from it. The word “desire” is a key in discerning God’s will. The will of God is revealed to us in His commandments, not just the form – but the substance, which is summed up in loving God and loving our neighbor. His word (His will revealed) becomes the desire of our hearts, we find delight in it, are satisfied by it and it brings peace and wholeness as we grow in it. Jesus is the living Word made flesh – and His Spirit gives life to the written word. The combination of His Spirit and His word are what transform our lives – our hearts and our minds – so that we now desire His will rather than our own.
At this point in my journey, I believe we often become too distracted on specifics – do I buy this, do I take this job, etc – and can neglect His broader will, which is simply to trust Him. It’s not that He doesn’t care about the day to day decisions, He does, but our decisions are not going to hinder His perfect will. I think what hinders Him, if that’s really possible, is when we fail to trust Him.
At this point in my journey, I believe we often become too distracted on specifics – do I buy this, do I take this job, etc – and can neglect His broader will, which is simply to trust Him. It’s not that He doesn’t care about the day to day decisions, He does, but our decisions are not going to hinder His perfect will. I think what hinders Him, if that’s really possible, is when we fail to trust Him.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed (anchored) on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.
I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed yesterday, and the “feeling” still lingered this morning. I was looking at scripture for the remedy and Isaiah 26:3 came to mind. A commentary I read mentioned “If I'm feeling overwhelmed, then I've let my heart and mind drift from God. I've fastened my attention on my problems rather than my Lord. . . Start praising God for His faithfulness and his loving kindness for us. If we divert our focus away from our problems and onto Him, the Lord Himself will reward our faith and give us His perfect peace. . . Give up your "right" to be angry about your circumstances. Approach the Lord as a hurting child seeking a comforting parent. And the God of peace will make His love real for you.” This is so true, yet so easily forgotten. Life is so full of distractions – but He is faithful and will provide as we continue to trust in Him.
The writer also says “while His love is unconditional, His blessings are usually conditional -- they require some small effort on our part to qualify for something too wonderful for us to ever achieve own our own.” In the Isaiah scripture the blessing is perfect peace. In the Hebrew, it's "shalom shalom" -- the normal word for peace repeated for emphasis, to show that this is something quite special.
The writer also says “while His love is unconditional, His blessings are usually conditional -- they require some small effort on our part to qualify for something too wonderful for us to ever achieve own our own.” In the Isaiah scripture the blessing is perfect peace. In the Hebrew, it's "shalom shalom" -- the normal word for peace repeated for emphasis, to show that this is something quite special.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Thoughts and prayers for the new year.
Father, I am just so grateful for the many ways I see You working and speaking into my life. Starting with Passion 2012; the reading plan for this year - with some structure and some freedom; the desire to know and walk in Your will and the joy of discovery; finding my satisfaction in You; understanding, learning, growing in the motive of my heart to do whatever I do in a way that honors and glorifies You – this is what Jesus did. I’m just so excited, Lord, knowing that each day I will be drawing closer to You, my sweet Lord, drawing closer to Jesus, knowing Him is a deeper way, rejoicing in Him, living in Him and Him in me. I am just so blessed.
And Father, I pray that this journey that we are on will over flow with Your grace and love towards those around me, those whom You bring into my life, that they might see You. This is still my prayer, Lord – more of You and less of me.
And Father, I pray that this journey that we are on will over flow with Your grace and love towards those around me, those whom You bring into my life, that they might see You. This is still my prayer, Lord – more of You and less of me.
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